
Temple of Khonsu project - Luxor - Egypt

The study project of the temple of Khonsu at Karnak, in Luxor, was carried out on the wall paintings in six rooms on behalf of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. The report is divided in two sections: the first concerns the history of temple construction, the investigation of materials and techniques used, an assessment of the causes of degradation and of its effects on the surface. Cleaning and reinforcement tests were conducted upon specific sections of the surface which were considered significant to the state of preservation of the paintings. These steps helped to develop a intervention methodology. The second part of the report consisted in compiling technical data sheets of all the walls in each of the rooms and in mapping the degradation. Upon completion of the study of project, room 12 was restored and the fragments at risk of collapsing in all the rooms were assessed (see section "Wall Paintings").
(Photo ARCE, Graphic documentation Associatimodus s.c.r.l.)
Temple of Khonsu - Luxor - Egypt

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